Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 9: Retreat for those afflicted by drugs

A wonderful beginning and ending also framed this day. In the morning I was walking form my apartment to church and a lady stopped and said, “Buenos días, Diácono Lee.”

Just before 7 o’clock evening Mass, I ran into a good friend, Caridad, whose house I had helped build a few years ago. She invited me to her house for a meal. She was ecstatic to learn that her padrino, Mark Mathison, is coming to visit in June with the St. Monica mission trip. We have an opening for the trip at group rates since one person just dropped out.

When walking home about 8:30 p.m., ten teenage girls ran up to me. They are from the orphanage that I visit on Mondays. They were out with the Sister who helps run the orphanage.

The middle part of the day was helping with a rehab retreat at the San Jacinto retreat center. My four-hour retreat part turned into 1-1/2 hours. At intermissions, the charismatic singers and dancers got all of us singing and dancing in place at 85 degrees. It was like to aerobics. Later in the day I returned to give a witness talk followed with liturgy during which I gave a homily. The men were greatly affected by the retreat and I hope that it helps them.

In the photo, Fr. Joe and I singing the gospel alleluia before I proclaimed the gospel.

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