Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 21: Visiting more sponsored families

Another enjoyment while walking from my apartment to the church was two parish security guards greeting me while they were walking to work. They were at the retreat that I gave at the drug rehab.

We visited ten more families today that are sponsored through St. Monica Parish in Edmond. We have quite a team. Dean and I are from St. Monica. Our driver, José gets us to the houses in the desert when there seem to be no roads at times. Marlit comes because she sees all the families weekly and knows where their homes are located. Jani also joins us because she is the best at both English and Spanish. She lived with her sponsors for a year in Wisconsin.

We pray before beginning our journey to the home. Once there we greet (hug and kiss) all family members and do some small talk. We then tour their home and look for needs that jump out at us. We then ask the family their opinion of their greatest needs. These families are the poorest of the poor in their own villages. While this is going on, Marlit takes photos. Then we take a couple more “formal” photos of the family to sent to the sponsors from St. Monica.

We end our visit with me doing a house blessing and then we re-kiss and re-hug as we leave. Most visits are very enjoyable. Yesterday I visited the family of my daughter, Andrea, who I have gotten to know over the last couple years. It was a very emotional visit for me because this beautiful young family had no roof on their house, no table and chairs, …. I am still dealing with my grief.

Photo: Cooking with charcoal or sticks

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