Friday, January 25, 2008

Day 16: More visits to St. Monica families

See more photos via the link in the sidebar.

We visited more families today in both the morning and afternoon. This is not easy because the temperature soon gets to about 90 with 60% humidity. My jeans feel like they’ll fall off.

After lunch Marlit got all the photos sorted and emailed them to me; she’s downstairs and I’m upstairs. I put the photos together with a letter to the St. Monica sponsors and got them all e-mailed just before our afternoon visits. We have now visited 49 of 86 families.

I am now the regular for benediction of the Blessed Sacrament before 7 p.m. Mass. Fr. did baptisms and confirmations this evening and 90% of the church was full on a Thursday evening.

Photo: a house blessing

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