Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 14: Clothes, more family visits, and a surprise

This morning we loaded up the van with big bags of clothing shipped here in the ocean-going container. As we would enter a village, the driver would begin laying on the horn while Freddy yelled out the door, “Ropa, ropa.” and blew a police whistle. That means clothing. Houses started empting out and old ladies could beat most of us in a 100-yard dash. There was already a line of people before we could get to the chapel. We prayed and then put a tarp on the chapel floor. We emptied a couple bags of clothes onto the tarp, and ten ladies were let in at a time to select seven pieces of clothing. After five minutes Freddy blows his whistle and the ladies have to leave so the next ten come in. Many kissed me on the way out offering their thanks through me to all of you who contributed the clothes. After two villages we headed back for lunch.

After lunch we visited some more St. Monica families. Since all January food is now delivered, we just talk to the families, find out with what their padrinos might help, and then I do a house blessing.

The surprise: Fr. Joe does benediction just before every 7 p.m. weekday Mass. Tonight he told me that I had to hurry up and get my alb and stole and do benediction of the blessed sacrament and repose it. He reminded me of how it goes and said a lady would help me. Somehow the order of events were different, Well, I didn’t have anytime to worry about benediction.

Anything a deacon can do can be done here.

Photo: ladies selecting clothes

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