Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 12: Rest and grocery shopping

Today I had to be nowhere. I did manage to pickup a new WiFi network in my neighborhood so I could catch up on lots of computer things without going to church and using their WiFi network. They have two videos cameras so you may be able to pick me up around 5:30 to 7 p.m., Central time, at

In watching the people walk down the street past my apartment I noticed some carrying tennis rackets. So, I got on Google Earth to check out the neighborhood and found a nice club two blocks away, four from the church. I’m living a real nice neighborhood in great contrast to the villages.

The 7 p.m. Mass was great this evening with a standing-room-only crowd. With the new side room added last year I’d say there may have been 1,500 people. It is a Mass to behold. The Edmond Masses are laid back by comparison. Before and after Mass, I talked to Caridad and arranged to visit her home next Sunday. Her husband drives a moto-taxi, so that makes things easy. I got kisses from all three of her girls. The padinos of this family are Mark and Carol Mathison.

After Mass I walked with my family to the supermarket. My cupboard was bare and I needed six things. I told them to pick out anything they needed. They said “no” and watched me put things in the shopping basket. They got the idea and started asking if they could buy things like soap, cooking oil, etc. I kept throwing other things like fruits, candy, etc. I don’t think they had ever been in a supermarket before. Armandina was worried that I wouldn’t have enough money and she didn’t know what that card was that said VISA on it. I love being here and spending money so that right hand does not know what the left is doing. At home I’m so much more conservative.

Photo: Caridad and her three girls Maria Lucia, Maria Fernanda, and Carolyn.

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