Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 20: Next to last visit to orphanage, more families, and a fiesta!

Today was Monday morning at the orphanage with my goddaughter and Dean Herzog. After doing liturgy of the word for them, they got their exam and did quite well on it. The oral group exam started out with “What is my name?” and built up to the first Bible question of “What is the Bible?” They needed a little coaxing on “Why are the gospels important” and “For whom are the gospels written?” They did real well on the last question, which this all led up to: “Are you in the gospels?” The chicas ended with personally finding themselves in next Sunday’s reading and then sharing their finding in a small group. Listen next Sunday and see where you fit into the gospel.

We visited five families today and think we can visit everyone’s family before we leave. The last visit was to Dean’s family. It was quite an eye opening for Dean and for me again!

After evening Mass we drove out into the dark desert trying to find St. Monica Chapel for the fiesta. It is dark because the village has no electricity. A portable generator had been set up and we were treated to local dances for an hour. We had to participate in most of them and got some good aerobic exercise. Dean and I got lots of attention because we represented all of the St. Monica Church parishioners in Edmond who are making this possible. Come to Piura and you can be the next representative. A “treat” during the fiesta was a rain shower. It slowed no one.

On the way back to the parish, Dean said, “This was the best day; I got to go to the orphanage, visit my family, and dance at the fiesta!”

Photo:Fiesta at St. Monica Chapel

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