Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 8: Communion to Homebound & Planning

This morning I brought Communions to 15 people in places I had never been before. One was way out in the “boon docks.” It is amazing how the church goes to the people when they can no longer go to the church. There are three people that made an impact on me. One was an old man who cried so hard afterwards. His eyes were clouded with cataracts, but he knew something special had happened.

There was a lady who I thought was totally disinterested in my being there. She, too, cried after I gave her Communion. She had had an accident and now could no longer see.

My best visit was the one where a baby was shared with me. That gave me hug time with out being with my grandchildren.

The morning began with an experience and ended with another that made my day. Walking from my apartment to church, a young lady passed me, stopped, and said, “Is that you Diácono Lee?” I was in jeans. She remembered me from somewhere. To be stopped on the street of Piura by a greeting in English…wow!

During lunch a different lady came up to me and thanked me in English for coming to Peru and serving her people.

I spent the afternoon in my apartment getting ready to preach at the 7 p.m. Mass. Also, I am getting together a retreat for tomorrow, which I will lead, preach, and give a witness talk. The translation of the latter is still not available. Come Holy Spirit….

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