Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 10: Curing the sick & driving out evil spirits

The most important thing I learned in studying to be a deacon is “be flexible.” This morning my goddaughter and I were already to visit more St. Monica families. That immediately changed to taking Communion to 25 people in San Jacinto. Five minutes later I was ready to go.

Was it hot today! One lady I visited is 99 years old. I had to yell the prayers of Communion at her. Many of the people were just old, but others had some kind on physical problem that prevented them from getting to church, like the lady with no legs. In retrospect, I was “healing” the sick.

In this agricultural area we saw just about every kind of farm animal imaginable. The poor farmers working the field hopefully could handle the heat better than I. My goddaughter hung on to me most of the way. She’s getting an awakening. She held my prayer book while I gave Communion. I also told her the English equivalent of every animal.

Late in the afternoon, I went to bless two houses where the inhabitants thought evil spirits were present. The whole house got copious holy water. I had to talk, through an interpreter, Matt, to one family who wasn’t letting me leave without lots of discussion. So, again in retrospect, I was “driving our” evil sprits. Is that what we disciples are supposed to do?

The evening finished with kissing five girls from the orphanage. You can, too!

Photo of woman to whom I brought Communion. I added many new photos to My Gallery -- see side bar.

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