Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon

My group of a whole van full went to the remote village of La Piedra where St. Monica sponsors 25 families. Out missionary artist, Meredith Kuntzsch, set up an art program. Last minute arrangements resulted in over 200 students sitting on a large cement slab doing paintings and then making one paper saying what they were thankful for and another saying their dream. It was like herding cats. Things did not work out exactly like the adults planned, but the children were very happy. One special needs boy latched onto me like I was his Father. I got home thinking that I had received an overload of love and needed to be alone to process what was happening. About then, my family showed up for evening Mass.

A group went to the orphanage to help buy cloth for sewing. Another group competed the Harding house and Steve Yandell ran a chiropractic clinic.

God is Love (1 John). Love is in Peru. God is in Peru.

Photo: Alisson and Dan Weninger family.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

What a blessing St Monica's support has been for the village of La Piedra and the rewards are spilling out in volumes of hugs, smiles, laughter and pure love!

God's love is so precious and present in Piura!