Friday, June 17, 2011

Mission Trip Begins Today

Two missionaries are already in Lima working with the Sisters of Mother Teresa. 16 of us will be meeting in Miami this evening from OKC and Detroit. We fly during the night to Lima where we pick up the next flight to our destination of Piura, arrival time about 8:30 a.m. Saturday. There is a large list of things for the 18 of us to do, including building two homes. The week will seem to fly by.

I'm doing baptisms, preaching twice, visiting the homebound with Communion, and any surprises that Fr. Joe has for me. I try to go prepared, but sometimes have to make things up. Come Holy Spirit...


Cheryl said...

Our prayers are with you and the team for safe flights and a very blessed time in Piura! You are the hands and feet of God.

Marge said...

May God keep all of you in his hands, I'll be praying for a successful and safe trip. Marge