Friday, July 1, 2011

It is not easy to "measure" just how well we do in Peru. But, as it is said, a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case we have two pictures: one before and one after.

In June 2010, Pam and Jay Burnside sponsored a family, especially after seeing the "before" photo of the 6-month-old, youngest child, Jesús.

Immediately the family from the village of Monte Castillo began getting a $30 food package every month. This is a very large percentage of this farming family of nine's income of sometimes $4 per day. Soon we were able to have a parish nurse visit the family and arrange a visit to the doctor for Jesús. He was given special nutrition and soon began to improve. The family welcomed me to the parish this June, and the "after" photo is one year later — Jesús is wearing a red sweatshirt.

Many people say, and I know, that we find the face of Jesus in the poor. In this case Jesus was Jesús.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mission Team Is Home

After tears, the missionaries returned home uneventfully. Many photos and videos are being sorted. I have many cards given to me for sponsors.

It is difficult being the the one representing all of St. Monica's sponsors. All families hug and kiss me and ask me to send their greetings. They ask that you write and send a photo. I received so much love each day that some days I'd go into overload and have to go to my room for a timeout in order to process what was happening.

I will leave you with a quote:

"You must come yourselves; you must give of yourselves"Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)

Your families are waiting for you!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Thursday and Friday

Photo is in La Piedra Church.

Wednesday ended with a fiesta next door to the St. Monica chapel. Mostly we danced till we almost dropped. The last dance went 20 minutes with high intensity aerobics. We got to squeeze most of the St. Monica chapel people whom we know.

Thursday morning I took Communion to the residents of the Hospice Center. Then I fed some of them, clipped their nails, and messaged their arms and legs. I saw my old friend, Manuel, who was the first resident and whom I have visited for years. Others delivered food packages, gifts, or built a house for the Tarman family.

Thursday afternoon I did a liturgy of the Word service at St. Monica chapel preaching about who St. Monica was and why we should use her as a model. As always, we finished the day with evening Mass.

Friday morning my group went to La Piedra where our missionary team from last year donated money for the village to enlarge their church by 35%. The village leaders made presentations and invited me to speak. Not being prepared, my Spanish abruptly came to an end. Then we broke into community and danced, eventually ending again in high-energy aerobics. We ended with lots of hugs and kisses. St. Monica sponsors 25 families in La Piedra. Another group taught the orphan girls how to play soccer.

In the afternoon one group took a boat ride in the Pacific Ocean in the harbor of Paita. I helped Steve Yandell deliver ice cream to the orphan girls. The showed their approval my making us dance the Macarena. I need to rest soon.

This evening we are going to a Healing Mass in a village. Fr. Joe will celebrate Mass for a charismatic group. We are going because of Debbie Yandell’s brain tumor, Clara Burkhard’s gum cancer, and the illness of the husband of one of our missionaries.

We are sleeping well at night.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two Days Left

I'm running out of gas. The next two days will be a little easier as we wind down. The trip has been spectacular, except for Marguerite who has been sick since the second day. See has a "bug" and is going to a clinic in the morning. More later when I get the tank refilled.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday Morning

My group went to the new school, Mother of the Good Counsel. I was looking for an overview of the school while my companions, who are educators, got into very specific areas. We were absolutely impressed. The school has almost 500 students in its first year of operation. We visited most schoolrooms and took photos. We taught in the 4th grade room of a teacher from Piura, who had near-perfect English. I met my goddaughter and the “daughter” of Bill and Linda McKinney – she ran up and hugged me for 5 minutes. New classrooms are being added for special-ed students. There is a need for more of everything: classrooms, computers, books, and people with special talents to help in the school. It is a perfect opportunity for educators in the US because the school year in Peru is from March to December. Photo: 4th grade English class

Another group went to the Hospice Center and helped people living there. The missionaries told stories that touched the soul.

Other groups bought food for the girls’ orphanage, delivered food packets and gifts from sponsors.

This afternoon Debbie and Steve Yandell took all 100 orphan girls to the movie along with most missionaries. I did not go so I could prepare to preach this evening. After Mass we will have a fiesta and celebrate!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon

My group of a whole van full went to the remote village of La Piedra where St. Monica sponsors 25 families. Out missionary artist, Meredith Kuntzsch, set up an art program. Last minute arrangements resulted in over 200 students sitting on a large cement slab doing paintings and then making one paper saying what they were thankful for and another saying their dream. It was like herding cats. Things did not work out exactly like the adults planned, but the children were very happy. One special needs boy latched onto me like I was his Father. I got home thinking that I had received an overload of love and needed to be alone to process what was happening. About then, my family showed up for evening Mass.

A group went to the orphanage to help buy cloth for sewing. Another group competed the Harding house and Steve Yandell ran a chiropractic clinic.

God is Love (1 John). Love is in Peru. God is in Peru.

Photo: Alisson and Dan Weninger family.

Tuesday Morning

Everyone was very busy this morning. My daughter, Steve Yandell, and I brought Communion to 11 homebound people in the village of La Legua. I had visited all the people in past years. We were taken back when finding that a man’s wife has died earlier that morning. Lisa knelt and cried with him.

Another group went to build a new house for the Hardings. The day before a large wall project had been done for the Petro’s family.

One group assembled food packages and delivered them to families.

The last group went to the Hospice Center and ministered to the sick like Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

All of have larger and softer hearts this week. Individual sharing at the beginning of each day has been wonderful!

Photo: Home of Meridith Kuntsch's family.

General Thoughts

Many children come up to us and hug, kiss, and hold us. Since we are tall and they are short, their heads rest on our bellies. This year I have had a few pat my belly, look me in the eye, and say, "Gordo." You can look that up in a dictionary or figure it out knowing that I have to go on a diet when I get home.

My goddaughter is Mileny and I first met her when she was 2. She is now 12. We have been sending her to a private school for a few years. People have been telling me that she is quite smart compared to others her age who attend public school. She in now understanding some of my English and can say simple phrases to me in English. Her education is definitely paying off. I hope she can be the first in her family to break the cycle of poverty.

Blessings from God's people in Piura!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Afternoon

All sponsors met with their families for lunch at the San Jacinto retreat center. Missionaries with no Peruvian family got adopted by the rest of us. Fr. Joe began with jokes, but we decided that he should stick with preaching or get some tips from Fr. Ray.

After lunch we all did various things with our families. I took my family and my son’s family to a movie with many other sponsoring doing the same. We saw Panda in 3D. Many families had never been off the farm and were amazed at what they saw.

At evening Mass I thought I would have some time to myself when the orphan girls showed up and took both my hands. During Mass my family showed up and my goddaughter reclaimed my right hand. So many people loved me up to day that it is hard to express.

After 7 p.m. Mass we heard one of the early pastors of the parish preach. He was originally from the United States as were all pastors. He now lives in Lima. This is part of the yearlong celebration of the parish’s 50th anniversary.

Photo: really, this is the only one of the baptized who cried.

Monday Morning

We broke into groups Monday morning. Three others and I blessed six houses. Some of the sponsors are the Gordys, Lindsay Taylor, Serranos: we have photos. Our liaison has made 40 videos of families that we will get later. There are more requests for letters and especially photos from sponsors.

Other groups went shopping for their families, buying building materials to build a house for the Tarman family tomorrow, some build a wall in a home, and others helped teach English in the new school.

This afternoon we will have a picnic with our sponsored families and then do something with the later. Until then…

The photo is of a new Chapel.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 2: Sunday in Piura

After a delicious breakfast at the church, I went with Fr. Joe to celebrate Mass at La Legua. I sang the Gospel alleluia in Spanish for the first time. Then further south to San Jacinto to meet the rest of the team and celebrate Mass again. The parishioner blessed us missionaries -- see photo. This was followed by an authentic Peruvian lunch.

After a siesta we went to visit the 100 orphans who St. Monica supports. Each missionary had two girls in arm. The girls danced and then made us dance. I did my first Macarena. The girls presented us with very nice Father’s Day gifts. Early in the morning I read a card Stephanie had given me before leaving and Lisa gave me a two cards at 9 this evening. In between I got cards from my sponsored family. My goddaughter cried as she read her card to me.

We then had one more Mass at the main church followed by a Father’s Day dinner. I’m going to have to let out my pants before going home. Tomorrow we begin a real work week – not too hard as you will soon see.

Hasta mañana.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday: Visiting Homes of Peruvian Families

Missionaries visited the homes of their sponsored families. See the photo of the Steve Yandell family. My cousin from Kalamazoo does not have a family and spend time with my family and me. The visits allowed in-depth conversations as well as a look at living conditions.

I did weekly baptisms with six children became new Christians. It was very fortunate that I baptized Bill who is named after sponsors Bill and Linda McKinney. It was the third child I baptized in the Janet's and Marco’s family. I also participated in their wedding several years ago.

Church Welcoming

These are St. Monica sponsored families welcoming us at the parish. We took many photos of you families and will forward them.

Peruvian families make me promise to tell the sponsors to PLEASE send letters and photos.

Missionaries Arrive in Piura

The missionary team arrived after a record shot 15 hours at 8:30 am Saturday morning. We were worried about four of the team, but they suddenly showed up in Lima. We were met by the staff at the airport and some of our families, who we will also visit in their homes this afternoon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mission Trip Begins Today

Two missionaries are already in Lima working with the Sisters of Mother Teresa. 16 of us will be meeting in Miami this evening from OKC and Detroit. We fly during the night to Lima where we pick up the next flight to our destination of Piura, arrival time about 8:30 a.m. Saturday. There is a large list of things for the 18 of us to do, including building two homes. The week will seem to fly by.

I'm doing baptisms, preaching twice, visiting the homebound with Communion, and any surprises that Fr. Joe has for me. I try to go prepared, but sometimes have to make things up. Come Holy Spirit...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Peruvian Family Needs Help

The parents in their 50s have two sons, 10 and 15. They live in a farming village and earn $3 per day. Their house is made of reeds and mats and has two beds and no electricity. $30 per month is necessary to provide them with sufficient food. They have many other basic needs. For more details and photos, click here

Friday, June 10, 2011

Missionary Blessing Time Changed

Most of the team could not show up for the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass. The blessing has been delayed until 13 of us arrive at the OKC airport Friday afternoon. I will bless the team before we go through security.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Special Donation "to help the poor"

Today a St. Monica family, who knows what we do in Peru, gave me $1,000 "to help the poor" while on our mission trip. I feel a burden to find just the right thing to provide a meaningful experience for someone in Peru as well as the generous donor. At least there will many opportunities to evaluate.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mission Team Blessing

Team members will receive a blessing from St. Monica's pastor at the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, June 11. I can feel the excitement growing!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The new parish school, Madre del Buen Consejo, opened in March this year and is full with 400 children. Support of a child for the year costs about $550. A few St. Monica sponsors pay for their children to attend school.

There will be more classrooms in March 2012. Today six new sponsors asked about enrolling their sponsored children. Now I am doing some research to see what is possible.

Monday, May 30, 2011

This is part of the staff that assists the missionaries while they are there and also helps deliver food, build houses, etc. for sponsors of families all year long.
Last November we began planning the 2011 mission trip to the parish of Santísimo Sacramento. Our team consists of 18 people. In Edmond, there are 12 from St. Monica and 3 from St. John the Baptist. Two are from Michigan and one from Texas. Eleven are returning to Piura and 7 are making their first trip. The total trip will take ten days, with eight days in Piura.

If you Google "Piura, Peru" you will find out more about where we are going. You can also visit the parish at and find out even more.
My blog was quiet since September 2008. Last year I used Facebook, but many people do not use it, so here I am again.

On June 17 eighteen of us are leaving for Piura to serve the poor. Check back to see how things develop.