Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 27: Orphanage and visiting more families

This morning Dean, my goddaughter, and I paid our last visit to the orphanage before heading home Thursday evening. We had liturgy of the word using next Sunday’s gospel reading about Jesus being tempted three times. I asked lots of questions and they again missed the one question I have been working on for a month: “Are you in the gospel?” They do know how to find themselves in the gospel and had many good answers of how to avoid temptation.

We were again treated to a good piece of cake. Dean and I relaxed while the girls played board games. Of course, we had to kiss our way in and back out. Come to Piura and test it out—I guarantee you’ll like it!

Fr. Uhen had lunch with us and tried to capture what was so successful about our trips so he can put it to use for future missionaries.

In the afternoon we visited five of the last eleven families sponsored through St. Monica parish. If you haven’t heard from us yet, you soon will. Again, we saw the good and the bad in terms of family needs. See my earlier post if you are challenged by what your Peruvian family needs.

Photo: inside of St. Monica Chapel – some needs are obvious

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although we know you will be sad to leave Peru behind, we are so excited that you are coming home soon.

Anna can't wait to shower her Papa with hugs and kisses on Friday...neither can we!

We love you and are so proud of you!

Miss you, Alison