Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day 29: Communion to home bound, food packages, and last family

This morning I took Communion to the same people in Palo Parado and San Jacinto villages. They seemed glad to see me again. I am still astounded by the time warp between here and where I live. Photos and words cannot do justice. You have to come and see yourself.

In the afternoon we took February food packages to St. Monica families. We not have the original $25 packet that contains less than the new $30 packet. The dollar buys much less here in Peru than six months ago.

We visited the last St. Monica sponsored family. A single mom and two children are living in a 10 x 10 foot house – a bedroom with one bed for the 25-year-old mom and her two children. The dad died.

The one Ash Wednesday Mass here in the parish was packed, with most pews filled an hour before Mass began. After Mass we discussed how someone who only has one meal a day fasts.

There may not be a Day 30 unless I write it on the plane.

Photo: taking a break with my goddaughter, Mileny, during food distribution

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