Saturday, June 14, 2008

St. Monica Mission Team in Piura

After traveling 22 hours from Edmond, we arrived in Piura at 6 a.m. We were greeted by the smiling parish staff and Deacon Lee's Peruvian family. The photo shows some of the missionaries and staff.

After a quick drive to the parish, we were greeted by more of the staff with bacon and eggs. Then we went to our rooms for a three-hour siesta. At 11 we were up greeting arriving Peruvian families (other photo). At lunch we celebrated Father's Day with the Peruvian staff who are fathers.

In the afternoon each missionary visited their family in their homes. Then it was back to the parish for Mass followed by dinner. Deacon Lee did baptisms.

Tomorrow, Sunday, we have a couple Masses planned, a tour of some villages, and then of the orphanage. 

Buenos noches.

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