Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday and Leaving Piura

As we prepared to leave for home, we all went to Santa Monica chapel to present them with a crucifix and painting of St. Monica with St. Augustine, both of which we had commissioned at a Peruvian artist to prepare. After being greeted by the people of the surrounding village of Los Polvorines, I did a Communion Service which may have been the first in the Archdiocese of Piura (they have no deacons). After the homily I blessed both the crucifix and picture. We had a very hard time leaving the chapel: people wanted us to remain. Many thanks were extended to the parishioners of St. Monica parish.

On the way home we stopped at the Hospice Center and greeted the patients, whom have many medical needs. Many good ideas were generated from the visit as many different eyes saw different needs.

We then left to the airport with many teary eyes as we left behind friends and family for a while. I'm writing this in the Lima airport as we wait for our flight.

Photo of team presenting crucifix and painting to chapel.

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