Friday, September 5, 2008

Peruvian Visit 4

Many good things came as a result of the visit from Fr. Joe, Ginet, and Freddy. At the Vigil Mass Saturday evening Fr. Joe preached about children from the villages of La Piedra and Los Polvorines being fed breakfast five or six days per week. There are 100 to 120 children in each of these villages getting something to each before school whereas they would not have gotten a meal until evening.

Feeding these children for a YEAR costs about $1400. In La Piedra, one man feeds the children, while in Los Polvorines the parishioners of St. Monica feed the children.

After Mass at the fiesta, a man asked me what limits us from feeding children in more villages. I told him that nothing does. So, in talking to Ginet, she is going to arrange for him to feed the children breakfast in another village.

The photo shows children getting breakfast in La Piedra.

1 comment:

Deacon Lee said...

It ended with three more villages being fed breakfast.