Friday, July 4, 2008

Epilogue 3 to St. Monica Mission Trip

On our last day in Piura, I did a Communion Service at St. Monica Chapel. I had asked the staff how many consecrated hosts I should bring and they guessed about 50.

When I returned to the church and was putting the remaining Eucharist back into the tabernacle, I had about 25 left. Since our mission team was present plus an over-flowing crowd of villagers, it became apparent that many villagers had not gone to Communion.

Although at first this might seem as bad news, in reflection it is really good news because the villagers now have a place in their village where they can worship and draw closer in their relationship with God. An they do this they will get married in the Church and have their children baptized. We have given them a much higher opportunity to do this.

We have seen this happen in the village of La Piedra and it will happen also in the village of Los Polvorines.

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