Saturday, December 8, 2007

Communication between Peruvian and American Families

Our old way for American and Peruvian families to communicate with one another was to send our communications via the postal service. Translations were difficult to get when needed.

Now all letters and cards from Peru are scanned at Santísimo Sacramento and sent to Americans families via e-mail, a much faster process. Translations in Peru from Spanish to English are available for $1 each and the translations are e-mailed along with the originals in Spanish. This method provides a Peruvian translator with a paying job.

Letters and cards from the U.S. are e-mailed directly to the parish in Peru. When a monthly food package is delivered to the Peruvian family, a printed copy of the letter is given to the family along with a translation into Spanish at no cost to the families.

Suddenly Peru and Oklahoma are much closer than they used to be -- so are the families.

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