Sunday, August 26, 2007

Serve the poor with compassion

Is something missing in your life? Do you feel unfulfilled? If this is the case, I highly recommend that you read Mother Teresa’s Prescription—Finding Happiness and Peace in Service, 2006 [ISBN 978-1-59471-072-8].

The author, Paul Wright, M.D., was extremely successful in terms of wealth and prestige, but something was missing in his life. He went to his most admired person, Mother Teresa, and she told him that his—our—goal in life must be to serve others with compassion because Jesus comes to us in the distressing disguise of the poor. This absolutely changed his life. Through more visits with Mother Teresa, he learned from her ten spiritual attitudes to help reach this goal in life.

This 100+ page book sells for $10 and can be delivered to your door in a couple of days by for $4 more.

Below are two excerpts from Amazon’s Online Reader of the back page of the book and from the beginning of Chapter 1.

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