Friday, September 5, 2008

Peruvian Visit 4

Many good things came as a result of the visit from Fr. Joe, Ginet, and Freddy. At the Vigil Mass Saturday evening Fr. Joe preached about children from the villages of La Piedra and Los Polvorines being fed breakfast five or six days per week. There are 100 to 120 children in each of these villages getting something to each before school whereas they would not have gotten a meal until evening.

Feeding these children for a YEAR costs about $1400. In La Piedra, one man feeds the children, while in Los Polvorines the parishioners of St. Monica feed the children.

After Mass at the fiesta, a man asked me what limits us from feeding children in more villages. I told him that nothing does. So, in talking to Ginet, she is going to arrange for him to feed the children breakfast in another village.

The photo shows children getting breakfast in La Piedra.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Peruvian Visit 3

While on mission in June, Fr. Uhen asked if St. Monica might be able to host him over the Labor Day weekend. Fr. Tim said "yes" and the Peru Mission Subcommittee began planning after returning from Piura. We decided to have a Saturday evening fiesta with free food, dancing, and a open and silent auction.

Many people and organizations contributed donations for food, drinks, and auction items. All we needed were people to attend. This was a concern because it was Labor Day weekend, the first OU game of the football season, and the first auction held at the parish.

Enough people turned out so that everyone had lots of fun. And what  a bunch of bidders at the auction! My wife entered several bids for items in the silent auction and got outbid on everyone of them. A significant amount of money was raised to help the poor in Piura -- our ultimate goal.

Thanks to all who helped set up the auction, those who worked it, and to the marvelous bidders! God is good!

Peruvian Visit 2

On Friday, the Peru Subcommittee and spouses had dinner with Fr. Joe, Ginet, and Freddy and then met together in the Parish Hall with invited sponsors and supporters of the mission in Peru.

We began with the Peruvians sharing their journey to helping the poor at Santísimo Sacramento. Fr. Joe's story covered a long time from a conversion experience in high school to eventual pastor at SS. Part of his story is here. Ginet shared a powerful story of transitioning from a teacher who had never been in a poor house in Piura to managing 1,300 sponsored families. There were some wet eyes; well at least my two. Freddy told of how he got to work at SS by Fr. Joe gradually testing his abilities. Freddy is the "ropa hombre." You have to go to Piura to understand what this means.

We then showed the video of the first St. Monica-sponsored  mission trip in June. It brought back great memories, again with teary eyes.

We finished with powerful witness talks from missionaries Alice Robin, Mark Mathison, and Christopher Barry. Many asked about next year's mission trip, wanting to capture some of what they heard.

The next mission trip is scheduled from June 5 to 14, 2009.

The photos is of Christopher and Mark preparing to bring the donated crucifix into the St. Monica Chapel in the village of Los Polvorines.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Peruvian Visit 1

Our Peruvian friends have come and gone. I was too busy during their visit to blog. I will now share a few experiences.

The first evening after the Peruvians moved from Christ the King to St. Monica, several of us had dinner with them. Knowing that they would would be away from family for a month, I printed a photo for Ginet with her mother and another of Freddy with his children and grandchildren. I gave them to Ginet and Freddy before dinner and they both got tears in their eyes and looked somewhat lonesome for a minute. Freddy exaggerated for this photo.